

April 2022 “Emerald of Excellence” Volunteer Award

Volunteers are at the heart of the success of the Nevada Diabetes Association’s programs. Each month the NDA will spotlight a volunteer for exemplary service through the presentation of the “Emerald of Excellence” Award. Congratulations to Lee Johnson for being the recipient of this award for April! Thank you for your dedication to the NDA! There's no April Fools' Day joke here with this month's "Emerald of Excellence" award winner! Did you know that this volunteer was introduced to the Nevada Diabetes Association by a staff member and his incentive to accept the invitation to be a volunteer at Camp Vegas was a trip to Las [...]

By |April 1st, 2022|Categories: Camp, Emerald of Excellence Award, General|Comments Off on April 2022 “Emerald of Excellence” Volunteer Award

March 2022 “Emerald of Excellence” Volunteer Award

Volunteers are at the heart of the success of the Nevada Diabetes Association’s programs. Each month the NDA will spotlight a volunteer for exemplary service through the presentation of the “Emerald of Excellence” Award. Congratulations to Paul Sweeney for being the recipient of this award for March! Thank you for your dedication to the NDA! Paul was in the very first CIT program led by Tandy McGee. Those also with him in the program at the time are some of our key members to this day. It is because of this that he feels so strongly about making these programs the [...]

By |March 1st, 2022|Categories: Camp, Emerald of Excellence Award, General|Comments Off on March 2022 “Emerald of Excellence” Volunteer Award

February 2022 “Emerald of Excellence” Volunteer Award

Volunteers are at the heart of the success of the Nevada Diabetes Association’s programs. Each month the NDA will spotlight a volunteer for exemplary service through the presentation of the “Emerald of Excellence” Award. Congratulations to Tandy Mcgee for being the recipient of this award for February! Thank you for your dedication to the NDA!   Tandy has been living with type one diabetes for almost 44 years. When she was nineteen years old, her endocrinologist asked her to volunteer as a counselor at a new camp for diabetes. She struggled with her diabetes for years and did not like the [...]

By |February 1st, 2022|Categories: Camp, Emerald of Excellence Award, General|Comments Off on February 2022 “Emerald of Excellence” Volunteer Award

January 2022 “Emerald of Excellence” Volunteer Award

Volunteers are at the heart of the success of the Nevada Diabetes Association's programs. Each month the NDA will spotlight a volunteer for exemplary service through the presentation of the "Emerald of Excellence" Award. Congratulations to Dillon Ostrenger for being the recipient of this award for January! Thank you for your dedication to the NDA!   Did you know that Dillon is the fraternal twin brother to one of the NDA's staff members? Dakota, the Director of Camps, is his twin! Dakota invited Dillon to attend camp as a counselor in 2014, and he has not missed a camp since! His [...]

By |January 3rd, 2022|Categories: Camp, Emerald of Excellence Award, General|Comments Off on January 2022 “Emerald of Excellence” Volunteer Award

2021 Camp Mask Guidelines and Information

Camp is right around the corner and here is a breakdown for the 2021 Camp Buck Mask Guidelines. We are now a month away from Camp Buck 2021 (how exciting), yet I'm sure you're left with many questions on how camp will be this year. As we follow the CDC and ACA state and country guidelines for mask(s). The NDA-CDA medical committee has worked hard with having the health and well being of all campers, their families and our staff whenever we make any of our guidelines. The breakdown shows - Mask for campers who are vaccinated will not required in the following [...]

By |June 18th, 2021|Categories: Camp, General, Services, World of Diabetes|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 2021 Camp Mask Guidelines and Information

A New Leash on T1D Life

If you missed our April 2021 Educational Series , you can watch the full video here.Presented on Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 at 6:00pm via Facebook Live with Stephanie Gerkin – Executive Director of Michael's Angel Paws “A New Leash on T1D Life” Educational Support Series.Join the Nevada Diabetes Association as we welcome Stephanie Gerken, the Executive Director of Michael’s Angel Paws, in an online LIVE interview. This is your perfect ‘op-PAW-tunity’ to learn about Diabetes Alert Dogs and how they may benefit your family. Learn all Stephanie has to share with us with this ‘PAW-some’ and ‘PUP-ular’ topic! Ask your questions live, as we [...]

By |April 21st, 2021|Categories: General, Services, World of Diabetes|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on A New Leash on T1D Life

Zegalogue – New Emergency Glucagon Approved for Adults and Children in US

Zegalogue (also known as dasiglucagon injection) was recently approved by the FDA to treat severe hypoglycemia(low BG) in people with diabetes over the age of six. Zegalogue is made by Zealand Pharma, a biotechnology company founded in Denmark in 1998. The new emergency glucagon will be available starting in June as a pre-filled syringe or an auto-injector device. Clinical trials conducted, found that Zegalogue would raise glucose levels and resolve extreme hypoglycemia much faster than traditional glucagon. The data shows that taking Zegalogue (0.6 mg) during an extreme case of hypoglycemia would raise blood glucose levels by at least 20 mg/dl within an average [...]

By |April 6th, 2021|Categories: World of Diabetes|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Zegalogue – New Emergency Glucagon Approved for Adults and Children in US

2021 Lake Tahoe Outdoor Hockey National Anthem

Did you happen to watch the Bridgestone NHL Outdoors series this past Saturday on the shores of Lake Tahoe featuring the Colorado Avalanche and the Las Vegas Golden Knights? Chances are if you did you saw the opening ceremony from Edgewood Tahoe featuring South Lake Tahoe locals! Yet something you may not know that there is a connection to the Nevada Diabetes Association and the singer of the National Anthem, Aurora Gooch and even the location of the match Aurora C. Gooch who was on the front lines of the pandemic, serving as a collection specialist for a Tahoe-based COVID testing [...]

By |February 20th, 2021|Categories: General, News|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 2021 Lake Tahoe Outdoor Hockey National Anthem

“On Your Own, But Not Alone”

If you missed our February 2021 Educational Series , you can watch the full video here. Presented on Tuesday, February 9th, 2021 at 6:00pm via Facebook Live with Sarah Clifford - Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist "On Your Own, But Not Alone" Educational Support Series. A discussion focused on teens going through the pandemic with Karah Clifford, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Tuesday, February 9th, 2021, 6:00pm Your Teen’s lives have been turned upside down with recent events and adding diabetes management on top of everything else that’s going on in their minds must seem impossible to them. Karah will be answering [...]

By |February 10th, 2021|Categories: General, Services|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on “On Your Own, But Not Alone”


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