Q1 : Whats a fun fact & how did you get involved with the NDA ?
A fun fact about myself is that I have a fraternal twin and that’s how I got involved with the organization . My twin brother was diagnosed at a young age, Dakota was a longtime camper who eventually became staff. One year he invited me to be a counselor and I haven’t missed a year since. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Also while going to college I lived with Nate and another camp counselor fingers.
Q2 : What is your favorite part of being a counselor & volunteer ?
My favorite part of being a counselor with the NDA is seeing the growth of the campers. Being a counselor of the past 5+ years it’s incredible to watch the first time campers become the true people the are , all will bonding over this shared experience. The relationships formed here within this organization will last a lifetime.
Q3: What is one of your most memorable experience at camp?
One of my most memorable Experience as a camp counselor would have to be this time at Camp Buck I Was playing a board game with my co-counselors during overnight watch after the campers went to bed. My back to was turned to the cabin and my co counselor noticed something by the door. “Awe look it’s a cat” he says. I turn around and see the absolute biggest raccoon I’ve ever seen in my life heading towards an open door . It was hilarious .