Camp is right around the corner and here is a breakdown for the 2021 Camp Buck Mask Guidelines. We are now a month away from Camp Buck 2021 (how exciting), yet I’m sure you’re left with many questions on how camp will be this year.
As we follow the CDC and ACA state and country guidelines for mask(s). The NDA-CDA medical committee has worked hard with having the health and well being of all campers, their families and our staff whenever we make any of our guidelines.
The breakdown shows –
Mask for campers who are vaccinated will not required in the following situations :
- Swimming
- Eating
- Showering
- Sleeping
- Outdoors
Mask for campers who are unvaccinated will not required in the following situations:
- Swimming
- Eating
- Showering
- Sleeping
- Outdoors when social distancing
Mask For Everyone(vaccinated or not) will be required to be work in the following situations:
- Indoors
- Restrooms

Campers who are not vaccinated will need to provide proof of a negative Covid-19 test 72 hrs prior to arriving at camp ( these will be provided by the NDA-CDA)
The biggest difference you will find, for campers who are vaccinated vs unvaccinated in the situation(s) of a positive covid-19 test. Situations listed below
Situation: Camper or staff test positive for covid-19
- Vaccinated attendees not showing symptoms can stay at camp.
- Unvaccinated campers exposed to positive case will be sent home . ( Las Vegas campers will be transported by NDA Staff.)
- If camper test positive for covid-19, parents will be REQUIRED to pick up camper from the campsite. (no bussing for positive cases)