The 2022 Mylan Hawkins Community Impact Award Presented by the Nevada Diabetes Association

The Nevada Diabetes Association (NDA) is proud to present and celebrate the “2022 Mylan Hawkins Diabetes Community Impact Award.”
This award recognizes an individual who has shown dedication and distinction in shaping the future of diabetes in our community. The
following is a list of criteria that the candidate has demonstrated excellence in creating an environment that:

 Builds relationships within the diabetes community
 Promotes good health through diabetes management
 Demonstrates creativity and thinks beyond traditional are routines
 Reflects consistency in the efforts on diabetes care
 Serves as a role model for those in the diabetes community
 Displays exemplary efforts with education, administration, advocacy and/or personal care
 Excels in the prevention of complications associated with diabetes

Submission Information:

To nominate an outstanding candidate for this award, please visit:
by Friday, November 4 th at 11:59 PM PST.

Complete the nomination criteria form in its entirety. Candidates will not be considered if all categories are not completed.
An email confirmation receipt will be sent to the nominator’s email address.


Award finalists will be contacted and posted on the Nevada Diabetes Association’s social media platforms.
Finalists will attend Winter Wonderland at the Atlantis Resort on Thursday, December 2, 2021, as honored VIP guests. The winner will be announced at 8:30 PM.

Please email for more information.

Mylan Barin Hawkins, a prominent political and social activist, a beloved wife, mother and grandmother, passed away on August 26,2022. In the early 1980s, with her husband Prince Ashton Hawkins, she co-founded the Diabetic Educational Center to address the lack of available diabetes support services. This later grew into the Nevada and California Diabetes Association (NDA/CDA). The NDA/CDA has saved the community over $6.5 million dollars in emergency medical supplies and helped over 20,000 people in 2021.
Compassionate and generous with her time, she was a friend, coach, mentor and above all else, a loving and caring mother and
grandmother with a dazzling smile and a wonderful sense of humor. This award is in honor of her outstanding diabetes work and to
celebrate more outstanding diabetes work in the community.

Mylan Hawkins

Mylan Hawkins one of the Nevada Diabetes Association Founders and first Executive Directors.

Leaving behind a mission and a legacy. Her mission was to bring direct diabetes services to Nevada, she began a revolution that we will all fight for today. Mylan’s vision, spirit and fierce passion will continue to live on and help our community forever.

” We started the Diabetic Educational Center and I spent the last 33 1/2 years working to create greater awareness and provide services for children, adults and families affected by this chronic health condition. There is always more that needs to be done and more to do. One day with luck our services will no longer be needed, because this cursed disease will be no more. In the meantime until there is a cure the NDA is here to help.”

To read Mylan’s story in her own words please visit her blog: