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Campers 9am-4pm *Guardian Education 3pm-4pm Drop off/Pick up – Mayfair Community Center 2039 Kammerer Ave – San Jose, CA 95116

Camp for kids with diabetes and a friend (ages 5-12), and Teen Program (ages 14-17) enjoy 5 full daysnof fun, education and entertainment.

Families will bring sack lunches and insulin.

The CDA will provide the snacks , testing supplies and refreshments for the week. This camp is the perfect opprotunity to have you and your friends learn about diabetes and experience activies around San Jose.

Cost is $399/camper, based on first come first serve with payment

To register please visit www.nda.campviews.com

Email: Kat@diabetesnv.org Phone: 619-549-6811


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