May 2019
Jail and Bail Fundraiser 2019
The Annual Jail and Bail Fundraiser to send kids to camp has officially come to an end. the winner between Northern and Southern Nevada is....... Team [...]
April 2019
Springtime Wine Carnival 2019
April 13th, 2019. The NDA put on its Annual Springtime Wine Carnival at Grape Expectations in Henderson, NV. An evening filled with games, drinks and of [...]
March 2019
Eli Lilly discloses pricing for Humalog.
Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, disclosed their profit margins on Humalog for the first time ever. Possibly hoping to silence the ever growing roar of people with [...]
National Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month.
Another National Month and this one is important to all of us in the diabetes world.. March is National Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month. Did you know [...]